
fiddle leaf photography

Jul 8, 2024

I often hear quips like, “You’ll shave off 10 lbs, right?” or “The only editing I need is for you to remove 5 years.” Let’s dig into this a bit… Photos are like a visual diary, a time capsule capturing what your family looked like at a certain moment in time. Do I want you […]

Will I Photoshop that?

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Photo Tips, Portraits


Apr 12, 2024

One of the biggest things I see in photos that drives me insane is when a horizon line goes right through a person’s neck. It instantly adds tension to a photo and makes the viewer feel like something is off, even if they can’t put their finger on why. When you’re photographing outdoors, make sure […]

Don’t make this mistake when taking photos outdoors

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iPhone, Photo Tips


Jul 14, 2023

If you were born in the 80s or 90s (or maybe even the early 2000s?!), I’m betting you have shoe boxes of printed 4×6″ photos stashed away in your closets. Me? I have 2 shoe boxes just of wedding photos from disposable cameras we had on the tables at our wedding. 🙈(Can you even BUY […]

Display your old photo prints in a modern way

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Fiddle Leaf Finds, Photo Tips, Products


Jun 20, 2023

With the age of having our phones with us alllllll the time, we are constantly connected, constantly documenting, and constantly inundated with the idea that we should have physical proof of every moment. But are we really in the moment at all? Or are we behind a phone screen watching it happen? Here are 3 […]

3 quick ways to step out from behind your phone and get back to living

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iPhone, Photo Tips


Jan 17, 2023

One of my favourite things about photographs is their ability to visually track time and progress. A single moment is great, but what’s even better is seeing that same moment over the years. Watching kids grow. Watching adults age (it’s a privilege!). Seeing what changes. My most treasured series that I do is the girls […]

Photo Series Ideas for 2023

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For Photographers, Photo Tips, Uncategorized


Nov 29, 2021

Can I tell you a secret? ​ 2021 so far…. ​ 4818 fully edited family and newborn photos. 15,951 fully edited school photos. ​ and….. ​ Less than 200 photos of my own family. (The last one being on Halloween. 😬) ​ Other years, I’ve had 10 times that amount.🙈 ​ A tween in the […]

7 Hot Tips for No-Fuss Holiday Photos

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iPhone, Photo Tips, Storytelling


Jul 12, 2021

In my world, people who can complete a 12 hour road trip in one day are my literal heroes. I don’t know how it’s done. My limit is about 4 hours/day. After that, I am a mess. “Whhhhhhyyyyyy is this road never-ending?” “How are we already out of beef jerky? Seriously, it’s not pretty. In […]

The only way I survive a road trip

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Personal, Photo Tips


Kierstin Smythe hangs wall art

Mar 29, 2021

2 questions that come up over and over again when consulting about photo prints is “how big should it be?” and “where should we put it?”. Both totally valid questions! To help answer them for you, I brought in an expert, Kierstin Smyth of Kierstin Smyth Design. Kierstin’s designs are very accessible and also totally […]


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Guest Post, Photo Tips


Dec 15, 2020

Lights. Camera. Make it perfect and capture the holiday magic. The pressssssssure! 😬 Know what we have more than enough of as moms? P-R-E-S-S-U-R-E. And know when that pressure gets to the point that the lid of your Instant Pot is going to blow off and put a hole in your ceiling? The holidays. Not […]

The holiday truth they don’t talk about. Holiday photo tips!

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For Photographers, iPhone, Photo Tips


2 girls stand at a door trick or treating during Halloween in Edmonton. Halloween photo tips

Oct 26, 2020

T-minus 5 days until the strangest Halloween in memory. I bet you’d never be thinking about how to trick-or-treat in a pandemic, right? 😂 Well, it might be weird, but, costumes and happiness will still be happening. 🎉 So, here are 3 of my tried-and-true tips for photographing your Halloween in a beautiful way. ​ […]

3 Quick Halloween Photo Tips

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Photo Tips