Aug 20, 2015
My life is sometimes crazy. Real. Messy. Full. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Even on the hardest days, I wouldn’t trade this life and this little family for anything in the world. As we approach my youngest daughter’s first birthday in a little over a week, I feel so incredibly lucky that I’ve been […]
Jun 20, 2015
I’m not even really sure where to start with this post. I had myself convinced then I shouldn’t write it, but then I wouldn’t be being my true self. I ask my clients to open themselves up and share their raw, authentic story with me, so I think you deserve the same in return. This last […]
May 7, 2015
If you missed part 1 of the Our 5 O’Clock series you can check it out here. After shooting every day at 5:00 pm for the whole month, I can honestly say that I was happy the month was over. It was a challenge. A challenge to think creatively each day while doing the same […]
Apr 15, 2015
It’s our crazy hour. Our witching hour. The hour that sometimes makes me want to just curl up and wish it was over. It’s 5:00 pm I can actually remember not so many years ago when 5 pm meant relaxing after work watching Oprah…maybe thinking about what to make for dinner…maybe not. Sometimes I’d go […]
Mar 20, 2015
Before I had kids I thought I knew all about the mess they would make. I was wrong. When I had one kid I figured adding one more wouldn’t make things THAT much more chaotic. I was wrong. If you have more than 2 kids you are probably sitting there laughing at my naiveté right now. Seriously […]
Jan 20, 2015
To carry on the circle this month, please visit Eva’s blog. As your child grows up and becomes more of a little person instead of a baby, you tend to forget how many milestones babies reach in their first year. At least I did. It truly is amazing that within one year, they go from […]
Nov 26, 2014
I shot my first Day In The Life this past June as part of a photography workshop. I was instantly hooked and then did another one in July with the intention to keep doing it once a month. Best laid plans, right? It took me until November to gather up the gusto to take on […]
Nov 20, 2014
As a mother, it’s important for me to capture the small details in life. Each of the small details is what makes up the story – the story of my little girls. The details tell me where they are in their journey. The details are what change. The details are the small things that make them […]
Oct 20, 2014
I can’t believe that a month has passed and that it’s time already for another ‘Motherhood Is‘ post. I seriously feel like time is flying by so fast that I can’t possibly keep up. Willa is already 7 weeks old and I am trying so hard to remember these newborn days and all the little things […]
Sep 20, 2014
Edmonton Family Photographer Last month I started a new project with a group of photographers called Motherhood Is. Each month we will be posting our thoughts and images on what Motherhood Is to each of us. As I announced in an earlier blog post, late last month we welcomed our new baby girl into […]