May 16, 2017
April 30th marked the end of another O’Clock Project and phew am I’m glad it’s done. I know, I’m probably supposed to say how wonderful it was and how it motivated me to shoot all the time and to look for all the pretty light. But you guys! It was HARD this year….like dragging my butt […]
Mar 26, 2017
When I started the O’clock project in 2015 it was a small way for me to make it through the witching hour that consumed our house every day just before dinner. I emerged from that first year completely amazed at the power my camera had to allow me to see my life objectively and find […]
Jan 28, 2017
A few weeks ago, I sat at one of the cutest little cafes in Edmonton, the Barking Buffalo Cafe, surrounded by a group of highly passionate creative women and men. We were gathered for our monthly Rising Tide Tuesdays Together meeting, where we chat about all of the fun and challenges that come with running […]
Aug 31, 2016
A few weeks ago we loaded up the kids (along with 2 million snacks, road bingo cards, the ipad, the neck pillows and more children’s music than I’d like to admit) and hit the road for a family adventure. Road trips aren’t really my thing (says the girl who has to pee every 30 minutes), […]
Jul 26, 2016
The debate between my husband and me goes something like this…. Him: “How do you feel about looking at camping trailers this year?” Me: “So. Much. Work.” Him: “The girls are getting older, it won’t be that bad.” Me: “Maybe next year, when we don’t need to have an eye on them every second and have […]
Jul 5, 2016
The text message read, “The house looks like someone came trough and just ran their arm around the counter to knock stuff off all over the house”. It was from me to my husband, at about 4:30 pm on the 5th day of his shift set. I can always tell when we are on the last […]
May 18, 2016
“You eat vegetarian?’ “What the heck do you feed your kids?” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked those questions when other Moms find out we are a mostly vegetarian family. And by mostly vegetarian I mean we were strictly vegan for about a year, and then when I was pregnant I slowly […]
May 5, 2016
It was 7:00 am on a rainy July morning. It was just her, me, and the pregnant lady chatting on her cell phone on the other side of a very thin, wrinkly curtain hanging from the ceiling. Over the last 2 hours my life had changed and this new life, full of so many unknowns, was ushered in. […]
Apr 20, 2016
It’s 5:00 pm and we are all beat. We’ve been outside all day and now that we are inside the kids are all of a sudden exhausted and ravenous. They are the definition of HANGRY. What can I whip up in 10 minutes or less that will keep everyone happy AND use up all the little […]
Apr 11, 2016
Photography Projects. Do you ever have those days where you wonder how the heck you are going to get through the next 60 minutes? Please tell me I’m not the only one. Truth be told, that is me, almost every day at 4 pm. I can actually tell time by the crazy-level in our house. […]