Jan 3, 2018
2017. The year that will forever go down in memory as the year my business turned. The year that it all started to flow and that I believed this was actually going to work for the long term. The year I realized I had taken on way too much and had to say ‘no’ more […]
Dec 15, 2017
Truth time. I’m a bit of a research nerd. As in, before I buy things I research them to death. I read reviews, price check, price check again, and look at the comparable products. It drives me husband absolutely crazy as there are very few spur of the moment purchases in our lives. When it […]
Oct 23, 2017
I came home from my appointments this morning and my husband had ripped out our 80s sunshine ceiling in the kitchen. It all of a sudden hit me like a tonne of bricks that we are actually going to do this – live without a proper kitchen for months while we reno the last untouched […]
Sep 13, 2017
Before I was a parent I never thought I’d oooh and ahhh over kid products. Really. Who does that? Well, I do! It’s amazing how a really well designed and well made product can make your life as a parent so much easier. If you have kids of your own, then you know that sometimes […]
Sep 1, 2017
As a kid, I remember visiting so many museums and campgrounds, and stopping at random little towns to have ice cream, and am so excited that our girls are now old enough that we’re able to do some of these things with them (and now even without diapers and all the supplies that babies need!!). […]
Jul 27, 2017
Sometimes I feel like all I do is talk photography, but truth be told, there’s actually more to my life than taking photos (strange, right!?). This summer I’ve fallen back in love with books. I always have a book on the go, but it can sometimes take me more than a month to get through […]
Jul 16, 2017
Comfort Camping It’s official, we’ve become hooked on comfort camping. For the family who doesn’t own a trailer and doesn’t have the inclination to tent, it’s such a great solution. Even better, more and more comfort camping sites are popping up each year. We’ve now stayed at the yurts at Pigeon Lake Provincial Park (3 […]
Jul 13, 2017
As a kid, when I’d stay overnight at my Grandparents’ farm, I always slept in a room that had a shelf running along the side of the bed packed with Reader’s Digests from years gone by. Hundreds of Readers Digests, all squished together – their spines making a rainbow across the shelf. I’d lay in […]
Jun 20, 2017
I shared this recipe for protein packed pancakes on my Instagram Stories a few weeks ago, but given that Stories have a shelf life of 24 hours, I’m sending it to you here….because it’s a good one to have in your back pocket. Although I try to be upbeat as much as I can, the […]
May 27, 2017
It started when I was less than 20 weeks pregnant with my second baby. A constant pain in my pubis symphysis joint that was made worse by the simplest daily activities. Walking for any amount of time, lifting, turning over in bed….they all became painful. During my first pregnancy I taught group fitness classes until […]